TikTok for eCommerce: how to use it to increase sales

First was Facebook, then Instagram, and now it appears that it’s time for TikTok, the social network of the moment. The micro-video platform is growing at an exponential rate, with over 800 million active users worldwide, it was the most downloaded application in 2020.

It’s no surprise that TikTok is following in the footsteps of other social media platforms,  offering companies tools for increasing their sales and brand awareness in a social environment.

You still think TikTok is a network aimed at children and young people, and you aren’t sure if it has potential for your business eCommerce? We will tell you how you can use this powerful Chinese social network to increase your sales, and to consolidate your brand on the Internet. Here we go!

Influencer recording a TikTok

Social commerce: a phenomenon

Online social media and the internet in general have changed how we engage with the world. This includes, of course, what we consume and shop for.

This context explains how purchases via social media, such as WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram, have dramatically altered the product acquisition process.

Until a few years ago, when you clicked on a product on an Instagram photo, you had to take several steps to purchase it: exit the app, find the store on Google, go into the website, click on the product, add it to the cart, and finish the purchase.

With Social Commerce, the buying process is fully native; it is no longer necessary to exit the social network to complete the purchase. As a result, users buy more quickly, resulting in a higher percentage of closed sales for online business.

Due to the fact that users spend an average of more than two hours a day on social networks, it is important that your eCommerce site is available there. TikTok is the app with the greatest growth potential right now, so don’t waste any more time!

What is TikTok?

There’s no need to be ashamed if you don’t know what TikTok is or don’t use it on a daily basis. Even though it is the most popular social network among the younger generation, this platform is still relatively unknown among adults. Nevertheless, don’t underestimate TikTok: it’s here to stay.

Briefly explained, TikTok is an app that allows users to upload short videos. It is primarily targeted at people aged 14 to 30. The app is also used quite regularly, as 91% of its users use it every day.

Even though this data should be enough for you to realize its potential for your eCommerce, there is still more to it. It is that TikTok is unmatched when it comes to visibility, since unlike other social networks, users don’t have to follow you in order to see your content.

In other words, how many followers you have on your profile does not matter as much as how viral your content is. TikTok’s publications have an average engagement 5 times higher than those on other platforms, according to data from the social network itself.

Tips to create content on TikTok

Though the vast majority of content on this app is devoted to music videos and silly challenges, the truth is that there are already many online shops and all kinds of companies that use the platform to show off the funniest side of their business.

In 2020, Asos, a fashion wholesale company that sells clothes through its online site, did a challenge on TikTok with augmented reality and a popular dance to promote its garments. It resulted in 1.2 billion views within 6 days.

There is no doubt that it is difficult to reach the level of an eCommerce company like Asos, but we will give you some tips to get you started. Read on!

  1. It pays to be real with TikTok: Unlike Instagram, it rewards authenticity. The less you change what you post, the better you’ll fit into the platform’s ecosystem. Stop using large cameras and start recording funny videos with your mobile device.
  2. Using TikTok allows you to tell your story in a more natural and direct way. It will allow you to create a stronger connection with your customers and increase brand recognition.
  3. Show the backstage of your business: loyal customers are often very curious about what goes on behind the scenes. Some people find it quite interesting to see the hidden side of your company.
  4. Engage influencers: just like on other social platforms, there are also influencers on TikTok. Your profile can be greatly enhanced by collaborating with a celebrity on the platform with millions of followers.
  5. Launch creative challenges with your brand name: challenges are the most successful content on this social network. You can position a curious challenge with a hashtag that contains the name of your store or your business, which can go viral and generate millions of views for your profile.